Hardy selections include trees that produce NUTS, blossoms for bee nectar, fruit and fast growing varieties for carbon sequestering woodlots.
Our tree seeds/nuts are locally grown and selected in zone 4 at 44 latitude. A great addition to a permaculture environment or garden.
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Aronia berries have the highest concentration of antioxidants present in any fruit and protects the body’s cells from the damaging...
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Aronia Berry is a very cold hardy, disease resistant shrub that has edible black clusters of berries that have more antioxidants than blueberries....
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Just arrived fresh seeds from 2023 fall crop, LIMITED QUANTITY! Asimina Triloba is North America's largest fruit. We have gone...
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Asimina Triloba is North America's largest fruit. We have gone to great lengths to provide this item. Paw Paw will...
Korean Evodia daniellii, also called Bee Bee tree is a deciduous tree covered in late July with massive flat heads...
Black Elderberry "Sambucus canadensis" is our native elderberry that thrives here in ditches and swamps. It is also tolerant of...
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Black Elderberry "Sambucus canadensis" is our native elderberry that thrives here in ditches and swamps. It is also tolerant of...
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Our "Native" Black Walnut has been struggling for quite some time from over harvesting for valuable lumber and from under...
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Blackhaw "Viburnum prunifolium". Fruits are edible, and a great pollintor magnate. Small enough shrub for the back yard. Fruits can...
Blue Elderberry "Sambucus caerulea" is our Western Elderberry, used in the same way like our native Black Elderberry. Cooked fruit...
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Our "Native" Butternut has been struggling for quite some time from over harvesting for valuable lumber and from under apprecialbilaty-not...
In Chinese medicine, the tea from the bark was used as a sedative, vermifuge and a laxative. The leaves are...
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Back in stock for shipping spring 2024! Chinese chestnut trees are a medium sized tree, it may start producing nuts...
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Back in stock for fall of 2023! Chinese chestnut trees are a medium sized tree, it may start producing nuts...
Cornus kousa chinenis is a very ornamental species of dogwood. One of the most beautiful trees in the landscape. A...
Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mass) is a small shrub that blooms very early late winter. Lovely in urban settings. The ripe...
Diospyros lotus, with common names date-plum, Caucasian persimmon, native to temperate Asia and southeast Europe. Its English name derives from the small...
This species is zone 4. All parts of the tree can be utilized as timber, leaves and nuts are valuable...
An ancient species from the Dinosaur age, also called Maidenhair tree. The leaves are used as a dry herb or...
Trifoliate orange or hardy orange is a deciduous thorny shrub or small tree in the Rutaceae (citrus) family native to...
This Siberian Hazelnut will grow to be about 8 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 8 feet. It...
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This hardy perennial vine can be found naturally growing in northern Korea, Russia and Japan. This variety has been commercially...
Spicebush is dioecious (plants are either male or female), so that both sexes are needed in a garden if one...
Mazzard Cherry, Prunus avium is one of the oldest cherry trees which have been used for rootstock to modern varieties,...
We have a Korean mulberry cultivar this year for the first time, "Kokuso". Hardy with very large berries. Tastes similar...
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Family: Oleaceae This is "Chionanthus virginicus". This is an olive substitute because the Italian variety is not hardy here in...
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Northern pecan is not normally grown this far north in Canada due to the fact that they belong in a...
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Wild Persimmons, Fruit of the Gods. Diospyros Virginiana is a hardy American Persimmon. Like the PawPaw, given the right conditions,...
This Swiss pine "Pinus cembra", the cones produce edible pine nuts. The cones are used to flavour liquour and for...
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An Indian study published in the November 2005 issue of the journal International Immunopharmacology discovered that all parts of the Sea Buckthorn...
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An Indian study published in the November 2005 issue of the journal International Immunopharmacology discovered that all parts of the Sea Buckthorn...
The Shagbark hickory tree was once plentiful in our area but now extinct. Give this species lots of space to...
One 5 year old whip for $49.95. Great value for those who are not familiar with growing from seed which...
A small tree, more shrub like that prefers dry, sunny and well drained site. Very hardy in zone 3-4. This...
A rare species "Carya Glabra" that is not always available is native to Eastern Canada and U.S. The nuts start...
This is a local species of shrub that produces beautiful spring flowers which can be used as cut flower and...
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The seeds for this wild plum came from the South West coast of Newfoundland. It has a natural semi-dwarf habit....
Cultivated in Northern China and Russia, a very hardy species, are cold and drought tolerant. It has very high alimentaire value...