Platycodon-Doraji Balloon Flower Root 도라지

Exciting beautiful perennial edible. The bell flowers are blue and can be used as a cut flower, the roots are eaten in Korea, Russia and Japan.

Pickled "Doraji" 도라지  is used as a side dish or used as medicine as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-allergy and the list goes on. It is a simple food used frequently the same as gobo (burdock root).

The root is also used to make desserts, such as doraji-jeonggwa. Syrup made from the root, called doraji-cheong (balloon flower root honey), can be used to make doraji-cha (balloon flower root tea)

Start seeds in a free draining soil mixture in March to transplant out in warm moist garden soil. Gently press the seeds into the soil, requires light to germinate and benefits from a 6 week cold moist period prior to warm conditions to sprout.

This is a hardy variety. Grows long tap roots like carrots. Does well in most soils but requires moisture therefore water in drought conditions.

50 seeds at $9.95

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