Our vegetable varieties are assessed according to growth characteristics and performance in our short summer season at 44 latitude on our farm. We evaluate for taste, productivity, disease resistance, frost tolerance, hardiness and short maturity.
Amaranth is one of the world's super foods, chalked full of minerals. It can be used in a dry form...
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We have tried all kinds of asparagus and this ornamental is the sweetest with a nutty flavour. Grows just like...
Green Noodle (Vigna unguiculata) is an Asian yard long bean. It has a sweet and nutty flavour. Beans can grow...
Red Noodle (Vigna unguiculata) is an Asian long bean. It has a sweet and nutty flavour. Beans can grow to...
This is a super alternative to buying multiple packages of seeds. We have chosen the best tasting and productive varieties...
Chinese Long Bean is from the Vigna unguiculata family. All parts of the plant are edible and the roots fix...
Chinese Long Bean is from the Vigna unguiculata family. All parts of the plant are edible and the roots fix...
Actually, it is a gourd and one of the longest gourd beans in the world! GROW FOR COMPETITION! You cannot...
We can't say enough about this gourmet pole bean variety. It is early at 55 days from seed sown in...
Chioggia candy striped beets are medium to large in size with colored flesh that has concentric rings of white and...
This variety is long rooted like a huge carrot and easier to process than rounded varieties. Good tasting and the...
This heirloom beet grows humongous and can reach 40 lbs. Surprise your friends. Fun for kids. Mostly grown as a...
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Calabrese is an old heirloom Italian variety that can withstand some warmer summer temperatures especially with climate change shifting growing...
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A very mild, delicate and nutty flavour for a Brussel sprout of very ornamental value. An unusual vegetable that is...
Full flavored and sweet flat pod variety that grows on semi-upright plants. 52 days to maturity. Green coloured pods. Multiple...
This variety replaces Blue Lake bush bean. Upright bush type plants with 4" slender French type dark green filet bean...
First purple filet bush bean that has extra fine 4-5" long pods. Turns green upon cooking. Multiple disease resistance for...
Bright yellow pods are 50 days to maturity and definitely replaces yellow wax for its multiple disease resistance package and heat tolerance...
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This Italian variety have a rich flavour and semi-upright plants. Yellow flat pods are 52 days to maturity. Multiple disease...
Flavourful, mild and sweet crinkled leaves that can withstand warm temperatures. One of the best for cabbage rolls because it...
This early variety is just right for the Canadian short season garden. It has solid tight heads, weighs in at...
Excellent flavour and texture and matures in 75 days from transplant. Small to medium 3-5 lb. heads that can store...
Late maturing open pollinated variety that matures in 110 days from transplanting with excellent flavor and texture. Can withstand slight frost...
The Earliest Cantaloupe to ripen in 65-70 days in favourable growing conditions from transplant. It is a palm sized and...
Golden carrots are a Nantes type of carrot that are more forgiving on many types of soils. Flavourful and vigorous...
Deep yellow carrot which is flavourful with a small core. Matures 68 days from sowing. Roots are Nantes type with...
Very deep purple 7-8" roots. Great for bunching or juicing. Choked full of carotene and anti-oxidants. Attractive color on a...
WOW! The darkest orange carrot for juicing, very dark juice and lots of anti-oxidants for healthy smoothies. 7"inches long, Nantes...
Top red carrot for bunching or juicing. Very high in carotene! Healthy tops, 7-8" long semi-blunted roots with bright deep...
This open-pollinated variety has a layer of leaves covering the ball, no need to tie up the leaves. 6-8" inch...
If you have found it impossible to grow cauliflower, then perhaps this is the variety for you. Matures early in...
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We have grown this variety for many years, and it has tolerated drought, mild frost and leaf diseases. Our customers...
Red stemmed dandelion jagged shaped leaves. Classic bitter taste. Roots can be dried on used in smoothies, teas or pre-biotic....
We bred this "flour" corn to be bold and beautiful. This year it reached 13 feet tall in 2 months...
Early season and excellent quality. Tender sweet cobs hold well in the field maturing at 69 days. Strong and disease...
Exclusive breeding. Developed here in the City of Kawartha Lakes, zone 4. It took 9 years to produce this variety. ...
A Yellow maturing variety that is 12 days after Sweet Marie at 78 days with very sweet flavour and field...
Start the season off with this versatile and early maturing variety. Sugar enhanced for longer harvest and great flavour. Yellow...
In 2018, we won 1st prize with this variety at the Canadian National Exhibition. "Some Good Pickle" has powdery mildew...
Pickling cucumber "Maximus" has broad disease tolerance against 8 different cucumber diseases. Great production. Perfect for organic gardens. Genetics is...
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This cucumber is for patios and small gardens. The fruit can be used small or large up to 8" inches....
A mild tasting productive white cucumber that tolerates heat well. It is a versatile novelty cucumber that can be used...
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This species is related to the "leek". Sort of between a leek and garlic. The cloves are huge, and the...
An open pollinated variety. Sweet and mild for French Gourmet cooking. Great value. Shallots can be dug once the tops...
An absolutely beautiful and versatile kale that can be used in salads, smoothies, stir fry or simply as a garnish....
This leek is very hardy in the Canadian winter weather and will set seed the following year as a biennial....
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Sponge Luffa is also called Chinese Okra or Silk Squash or Angled Loofah . It is NOT a squash or...
Also, called Gumbo or Lady's Fingers. This variety is early maturing in 55 days from transplant. Pick the okra at...