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Alliums make an early summer long lasting floral display and beneficial insects thrive on the pollen in the flowers. Plant...
Bugbane or Black Cohosh Snake Root. A perennial herb native to Russia. Roots have estrogenic, hypoglycemic, sedative and anti-flammatory properties;...
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This plant is very "under-valued". Our strain comes from a very old homestead over 150 years old. It produces outstanding...
Chocolate Daisy, Berlandiera, also called Chocolate Drop is a perennial in zone 4. This species has edible flowers that smell...
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No need to buy separate varieties when you can have them all in this mix. There will 5 different varieties....
There are many varieties of echinacea cone flowers, this species can be found on the Prairie grass savannahs. A drought...
A super lovely large flowered perennial species that can be used as a cut flower and also medicinal applications. This...
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Bunium bulbocastanum was once used as a root vegetable in parts of western Europe, and has been called "great pignut or earthnut". A perennial...
Our peony shades are pink, white and deep pink and they flower to extend the early cut flower season. They...
Exciting beautiful perennial edible. The bell flowers are blue and can be used as a cut flower, the roots are...
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More expensive than gold! Saffron is a spice which comes from the stigma and styles called threads. within the flower. It...
This is a local species of shrub that produces beautiful spring flowers which can be used as cut flower and...
Eastern North America hardy rare plant used as a medicinal herb. The white clusters of flowers can be used in...