We have categorized this selection according to the most popular herbs used in haute cuisine and tasty tea blends. These selected varieties do well in short seasons and the perennial herbs over winter well here on our farm. Bon appetite!
Amaranth leaf is a traditional leafy vegetable in Asian and Caribbean cultures. This variety is green with stripes of pink...
Amaranth is one of the world's super foods, chalked full of minerals. It can be used in a dry form...
Grow like regular Hyssop. This variety is anise scented, almost smells of licorice. This perennial plant can be used medicinally...
A uniform upright Genovese type basil which can be used in pot culture or fresh market production. Leaves are downy...
Lemonette basil has citral and limonene phytochemicals that are a powerful anti-inflammatory. It can be used for tea or culinary...
Living on the coast and growing basil can be tricky in cooler & wetter climates. This "Maritime" basil seems to...
Bushy plants with large ruffled purple leaves. Spicy aromatic leaves can be used to flavour tea or vinegars and stems...
Drought tolerant member of the Mint family. Makes excellent cut flowers. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and beneficial insects. Oregano smelling...
Black Elderberry "Sambucus canadensis" is our native elderberry that thrives here in ditches and swamps. It is also tolerant of...
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Black Elderberry "Sambucus canadensis" is our native elderberry that thrives here in ditches and swamps. It is also tolerant of...
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Blackhaw "Viburnum prunifolium". Fruits are edible, and a great pollintor magnate. Small enough shrub for the back yard. Fruits can...
Blue Elderberry "Sambucus caerulea" is our Western Elderberry, used in the same way like our native Black Elderberry. Cooked fruit...
The root is a common vegetable in Japan called "Gobo". The plant is a biennial and will set seed in...
Chervil is a herb that can be used as a culinary delight, in a tea or as a medicinal. It...
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Catalogna is an heirloom Italian Dandelion. The leaves are used in mixed salads and the roots are used medicinally to...
Red stemmed dandelion jagged shaped leaves. Classic bitter taste. Roots can be dried on used in smoothies, teas or pre-biotic....
Chocolate Daisy, Berlandiera, also called Chocolate Drop is a perennial in zone 4. This species has edible flowers that smell...
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Coriander and Cilantro are one and the same. The whole plant can be used. Coriander is referred to the seeds...
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) dried seeds and herb is a member of the parsley family. All parts are edible and easy to...
Strong, tall and aromatic plants. A main ingredient in dill pickles and dill salmon sauce. It is also used as...
Mammoth is the largest variety of Dill and it can grow as large as 6 feet in the back of...
There are many varieties of echinacea cone flowers, this species can be found on the Prairie grass savannahs. A drought...
A super lovely large flowered perennial species that can be used as a cut flower and also medicinal applications. This...
All parts of this plant are edible and smells like licorice. Used in tea, spice and fresh garnish. Edible herb...
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This is our local wild grape that grows in the fence rows here on the farm. Very hardy, consistently productive,...
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Bunium bulbocastanum was once used as a root vegetable in parts of western Europe, and has been called "great pignut or earthnut". A perennial...
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Garden root variety. Very hardy perennial stock. For more information on horse radish : Horseradish - Wikipedia Available Fall of 2024...
Lemon Mint , Monarda citriodora, is an annual native to North America. It is used both raw or as a...
Spicebush is dioecious (plants are either male or female), so that both sexes are needed in a garden if one...
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This is the "Nelumbo nucifera", also known in Asian cooking as "Sacred Lotus". It is used as a vegetable, a...
Silybum marianum is a species annual or biennial that has bright purple flowers and pale green shiny leaves with white...
Thelesperma (greenthread), is native perennial flower to North America. It is recognized in the Ark of Taste. We first tasted...
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Family: Oleaceae This is "Chionanthus virginicus". This is an olive substitute because the Italian variety is not hardy here in...
Orach is part of the Chenopodiaceae "Saltbush" family. It is an ornamental annual that reaches 3 feet high. Young leaves...
This parsley has been improved for hot weather and cut-come again production. Parsley can be used as a garnish or...
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BACK IN STOCK! There are approx. 550 species that exist in the Neotropics. There is only 1 species that can...
Another hardy North American native herb that prefers a little shade and a mulch. It was once used for cholera,...
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More expensive than gold! Saffron is a spice which comes from the stigma and styles called threads. within the flower. It...
Red veined sorrel, Rumex sanquineus, is also called "Bloody Dock Plant". It is a perennial plant hardy to zone 4,...
A rare edible ornamental plant, unavailable commercially. more information here: Cleome gynandra - Wikipedia Leaves are edible in salads...
Hypericum perforatum is a perennial herb in zone 4. It grows wild here on our farm. Very adaptable genetics for...
A small tree, more shrub like that prefers dry, sunny and well drained site. Very hardy in zone 3-4. This...
Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa, is a native wild mint found along the roadsides in the City of Kawartha Lakes Region....
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This wonderful wild rose grows only 2-3 feet high and has the largest fruit "hips" that we know of and...