Garlic- CNE winner (Organic)

CNE winner has 5-7 medium sized cloves per bulb. First Place winner in 2018 Canadian National Exhibition. The wrapper is striped purple and grows very well for us in a raised garden. It has a smooth hot garlic flavour that will definitely add zip to your salsa. 

We plant the garlic cloves October 20th when the soil is cool and worked. Plant 4 inches deep in very well drained soil with high fertility and organic fertilizer. The cloves will start to make roots prior to winter and will be ready to sprout early spring of the following year. Putting a straw mulch on your garlic patch at the first signs of sprouting will keep the soil moist, cool and weed free. Cut of the garlic scapes that appear early summer to allow all the growing energy to divert towards the bulbs. This variety will mature bulbs and be ready to be pulled up in mid-July. Hang to dry in a warm, dark and dry place.

Limited Quantity.

All bulbs and plant materials are shipped on a Monday to allow a full week of travel time through the post. These roots will require a box.

Tip: read our blog for garlic

Available September-  2024 for fall planting

Certified Organic.  $19.95 per 250 grams (3-4 bulbs)

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