Bee Bee tree-seeds

Korean Evodia daniellii, also called Bee Bee tree is a deciduous tree covered in late July with massive flat heads of flowers.

Heavy nectar production for honey bees and beekeepers! Late clusters of berries for birds.

First year seedlings are not as cold hardy as older trees. Select seedlings for cold hardiness.

More information from this site: Evodia daniellii (Korean Evodia) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox (

Easier to start from seed compared to many of our native trees. Scarify the seeds and let the seeds stand in warm water for 24 hours, then sow in a free draining soil less mixture. Gently press the tiny seeds into the soil surface then covering with 1/4 inch of soil. May take between 1-3 months to germinate.

zone 5

25 seeds @ 9.95

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