Tomato, Irish Supreme (Organic)

Tomatoes belong to the same botanical family as potatoes. The potato famine lost over a million Irish to starvation in the mid 1800's from potato blight. We have developed this blight resistant strain of tomato for our Irish friends across the pond.

Irish Supreme tomato is a productive and medium sized tomato with a deep red interior with resistance to late blight and some resistance to early blight. Good flavour for an early tomato and great for growing in coastal areas. It was trailed in Northern Ireland in 2019 and was very productive, as we are told.

Determinate/bush type. 68 days to maturity from transplant.

10 seeds per packet @ $8.95 pkt.

Tip: Start seeds in March and plant the tomato seedlings out in warm soil. In northern countries, you may have to grow under glass or tunnel because the soil must be warm.

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