Strawberry-FLAVOURFEST- plants

Flavourfest is a "mid-season" variety. Excellent taste, the best for organic gardens.  Plant is vigorous and shows excellent disease resistance to red stele and leaf diseases. In addition, no susceptibility to anthracnose crown or fruit rot has been found. Our top variety with multiple resistance to leaf diseases, ideal for coastal areas.

Recommended for Quebec and Eastern/Central growing areas of Canada.  berries are large and firm, great for transport and you-pick. Will fruit in abundance the second year. 

The key to growing strawberries is to have several varieties that can produce from early summer (June bearing) to end of summer/early fall (everbearing). 

Plant in a well-drained, deep loamy fertile soil in full sun. Add lots of compost for fertility and production. 

Plants grow best when started in cool moist soil in Spring.

These roots will require a box.

15 bareroot plants @ $24.95.  Available in April 2024

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