
Medium to large size potatoes with purple skin and white flesh. Great for mashing. Matures EARLY to mid for short seasons.

Superior flavour, disease resistant and easy to grow!

This variety does very well in our heavy soil. Resistant to scab. One our favourite varieties for taste and production.

We plant all of our potatoes after the Strawberry Full Moon, usually around June 15th. At this time the soil has warmed up and the life cycle of the potato beetle has passed. Your potatoes may rot if planted too early in cold wet soil and also, encourages the life cycle of the potato beetle. If this pest is not a problem in your area, then plant after threat of frost.

Plant approx. 2 feet apart with compost and kelp in deep fertile soil. Kelp has over 60 trace minerals, is a natural growth hormone, pest deterrent and adds some frost tolerance. A little goes a long way. Check out our fertilizer and cover crop section.

Mulch your plants to maintain soil moisture, moderate soil temperature and smother weed seedlings.

Hard to find in grocery stores.

Shipping starts in April 2024 depending on location to avoid freezing in transit.

These roots will require a box.

2 lbs. @ $19.95    

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