First come, first served. Great for lazy or inexperienced gardeners because it takes care of itself without any gardening experience.. Sometimes called earth apple or sunchoke.
This variety is a PRE-biotic for gut PRO-biotic health. Very "under-valued" as a health promoting perennial vegetable. Can be eaten raw like water chestnuts or pickled and also prepared like sauerkraut. One of our customers slices the tuber like you would do to potatoes. Brushes the slices with olive olive, salt & pepper, then bake carefully turning the slices for even browning. Voilà ! A healthy snack.
Very rare and not commercially grown. Very productive. Very easy to peel because most roots are elongated rather than round.
Caution, this variety has a lot of stamina therefore plant it alone in one corner of the garden by itself. It is a famine food in desperate times when nothing else is available.
Tip: plant immediately upon receipt, this species thrives on a cold winter dormancy and spring revival for production, it is a true perennial. Zone 4
3 roots per packet @ $24.95
Available FALL 2024 when the roots can be dug.