Asimina triloba (paw paw) -seeds

Just arrived fresh seeds from 2023 fall crop, LIMITED QUANTITY!
  1. Asimina Triloba is North America's largest fruit. We have gone to great lengths to provide this item. Our paw paw seeds were collected from the farthest most northern point of the Carolinian Forest which reaches Southern Ontario, Canada.  Paw Paw will grow best near a riverbank that provides moisture and deep rich soil. Must have heavy shade for the first few years of growth. This is normally an "understory" tree. 
  2. This variety is a "Hybrid" which has proven production and better quality of flesh.
  3. New varieties can be grown out from seed and selected for flavour, hardiness, size etc.  Germination is excellent but experienced growing skills and patience are needed with this species as it MUST BE STRATIFIED moist (not wet) for 2-3 months. We have had them germinate, after stratification, within 2 weeks to a month. Fresh seed wants to grow. Once the seedling germinates, do not let dry out, that's why they grow on riverbanks. If you have a dry rocky garden, this is NOT the tree for you.
  4. Please note: the climate here is changing and has been erratic over the past few decades, therefore, seed harvest is not always available every year. We only sell fresh seeds. 
  5. Limited quantity
   5 seeds per packet at  $14.95 

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