octobre 29, 2020
This blog was inspired by my good friend Carole May-Cote who lives in the middle of the Enchanted Forest. Many wild edibles and medicinal herbs grow naturally there such as black berries, raspberry, nettle, turkey tail mushrooms and more. Home to many wild birds such as the Red-headed woodpecker, the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker and beautiful Blue Jay.
The spring season brings about masses of wild leeks and fiddle heads, a traditional and local delicacy made into leek-fiddle head soup. Fresh pine needles and wild rose can be used as tea for respiratory coughs and colds. Chalked full of vitamins, minerals, anti-viral fighting terpenes and natural vitamin C. Wild ginseng grows naturally in the shaded forest and sandy soil, another adaptogen used widely in native and Chinese traditions.
The forest is peppered with pine, cedar and birch trees. Birch trees are home to the infamous and very expensive "Chaga" mushroom. Our neighbour collects cedars bows, boils them in water, then uses the liquid to wash her floors. The room smells amazing and fresh.
Many wild foods, wild animals and wild medicines. Now you see why the forest is indeed "Enchanting".