Cover crops are very beneficial in many ways depending on the crop. Most produce abundant flowers for bees and pollinators, pest control, weed control and most importantly as a manure crop to improve soil structure and fertility. Feed the soil that feed the plants.
The picture on this cover crop seed collection was taken in our back field. It is a mixture of grasses, legumes and wild flowers. A feast for pollinators and birds. .
Our exclusive bee pollinator seed mix contains 17 different varieties of flowering species that start blooming in 30 days through...
This variety is grown by the Amish and produces nectar for honeybees and pollinators. Used as a microgreen/sprouts or flour. ...
Made with all natural ingredients which include soft rock phosphate, dried kelp, gypsum, basalt, K-Mag-Sulphur, boron, black earth, carbonatite, mineral...
Highly recommended. This kelp variety comes in a powdered form and is harvested off the coast of Nova Scotia. It...
Traditionally, mustard has been used as a condiment. On our farm, we use it as a bio-fumigant for persistent crop...
Can be used both for micro-greens or cover crop for the garden. Used as a green manure or cover crop...
This is a very colorful and high nectar producing cover crop mixture. 5 different varieties of crimson clover, white Dutch...
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Tillage radish makes a wonderful fall cover crop and green manure to condition the garden for the following growing season....